Budget Basics Work Sheet
The first step in getting yourself in financial shape to buy a home is to know what you make and what you spend now. List your income and expenses below.
Income |
Take Home Pay/All family members |
Child Support/Alimony |
Pension/Social Security |
Disability/Other Insurance |
Interest/Dividends |
Other |
Total Income |
Expenses |
Rent/Mortgage |
Life Insurance |
Health/Disability Insurance |
Vehicle Insurance |
Homeowners or Other Insurance |
Car Payments |
Other Loan Payments |
Savings/Pension Contribution |
Utilities |
Credit Card Payments |
Car Upkeep |
Clothing |
Personal Care Products |
Groceries |
Food prepared outside the home |
Medical/Dental/Prescriptions |
Household Goods |
Recreation/Entertainment |
Child Care |
Education |
Charitable Donations |
Miscellaneous |
Total Expenses= |
Remaining Income After Expenses= |
Reprinted from REALTOR® Magazine Online by permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. Copyright / All rights reserved.
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